How high can blood pressure go before it kills you?

high blood pressure, known as hypertensive crisis, can have severe and life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Hypertensive crisis is typically classified into two categories: hypertensive urgency and hypertensive emergency.In hypertensive urgency, blood pressure readings are severely elevated, with systolic pressure typically over 180 mm Hg and/or diastolic pressure over 120 mm Hg. While this condition is serious, it does not usually cause immediate organ damage. However, if not promptly managed, it can progress to a hypertensive emergency."zone name","placement name","placement id","code (direct link)" direct-link-1685810,DirectLink_3,22508418, direct-link-1685810,DirectLink_2,22495208, direct-link-1685810,DirectLink_1,22489612, hypertensive emergency occurs when blood pressure is extremely high and leads to acute organ damage. This can include damage to the brain (resulting in stroke), heart (leading to heart attack or heart failure), kidneys (causing kidney failure), or other organs. Blood pressure levels in a hypertensive emergency often exceed 180/120 mm Hg.The exact threshold at which high blood pressure becomes life-threatening varies depending on individual health factors, such as age, overall health, and presence of other medical conditions. However, in general, blood pressure levels that are significantly above the normal range can increase the risk of severe complications and even death.Prompt medical attention is crucial for anyone experiencing symptoms of hypertensive crisis, such as severe headache, chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision, or confusion. Treatment typically involves medications to lower blood pressure gradually, along with monitoring and management of any resulting organ damage.In conclusion, while there isn't a specific blood pressure reading that universally indicates immediate danger, extremely high blood pressure can be life-threatening, leading to severe complications such as stroke, heart attack, or organ damage. It's essential to monitor blood pressure regularly, seek medical attention for high readings, and follow medical advice to prevent serious health risks.


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